Friday 15 February 2013

Always Something New

We did not have a speaker this week in class but we did have a class discussion with some really great snacks :) . I'm really finding this class to be pushing me and my use of the internet. At first I was really frustrated with it but now I'm starting to enjoy all the new things that I'm finding out and learning about.

I never realized how many functions Google had until now. Tuesday in class Mike showed us about Google+ which is a really useful tool. I like the idea of making circles and sharing. I think it would work great in a classroom for students to gain new information and connect with the world. It is also a great way for students to connect with each other (and the teacher) without having to be at school.
Another cool feature on Google that I never knew existed is GoogleFight. Tyler, another student in class, shared this with us. That would definitely get the attention of any student!

1 comment:

  1. Alaura, I feel like we have the same view on the internet! I too felt and still feel frustrated with the internet as I do not like it when I don't understand things and feel vulnerable lol I agree how this class is pushing us to use the internet more and to find out new things! It's great to get another's perspective on this! I also thought the GoogleFight was neat!
